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Golf is a great game, despite what Mark Twain may have said. It is my favourite hobby, as it is for many millions of people worldwide. I am what is referred to as a 'Senior Golfer' - ie: one of an advanced age, usually an over 60 year old.

Many senior golfers hold the belief that most Golf Clubs would struggle to be financially stable were it not for the Seniors Section. The regular income that comes from the bar and restaurant takings via the many 'chuck-ins'  'league matches' and Opens' etc, that we arrange is quite substantial.

Golfers like a good moan, and I welcome them making any comments here.
Some that regularly crop up from the younger golfers who may be married and can only play at weekends go like this:
"Why do we have to pay the same fees as the seniors, who play many times a week?"
"The course is in bad condition because the seniors overplay it, and don't look after it"

I could go on, and will do so when I start posting in the golf category.
The tee is free - you may drive off when you are ready Gentlemen.

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I do appreciate any comments whatsoever -
but please know now that whilst this blog was created so folks can 'let off a bit of steam'
that I shall delete anything I consider may be offensive to other visitors.